Current Affairs | National | International | SSC | UPSC 2nd May 2024


National News 

1. India to host the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

  • India will host the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM 46) and the 26th Meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP 26) from 20 to 30 May 2024 in Kochi, Kerala. 
  • The meeting is organized by the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) through the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), these meetings aim to facilitate global discussions on environmental conservation and scientific cooperation in Antarctica. 

About Antarctic Treaty 

  • The Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959 in Washington DC by 12 countries and came into force in 1961. At present, 56 countries have signed the Antarctic Treaty. 
  • The permanent secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty is in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
  • The Antarctic Treaty made Antarctica a non-military Zone. It was declared a zone of peace dedicated to peaceful purposes, scientific cooperation, and environmental protection. 
  • The Committee for Environmental Protection was established under the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (the Madrid Protocol) in 1991. 
  • The Committee for Environmental Protection advises the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting on environmental protection and conservation in Antarctica. 

2. ISRO finds proof of enhanced possibility of water ice in polar craters of the moon 

  • A study by Indian space scientists has found evidence of enhanced possibility of water ice occurrence in the polar craters of the moon. 
  • The study was done by scientists of ISRO's Space Applications Centre (SAC) in collaboration with researchers of IIT Kanpur, University of Southern California, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and IIT (ISM) Dhanbad. 
  • The study suggests that the amount of subsurface ice in the first couple of meters is about five to eight times larger than the one on the surface in both 
  • This picture, taken by Chandrayaan-1's terrain mapping camera on November 15, 2008, shows craters in the moon's polar region. ISRO poles. 
  • As such, drilling on the moon to sample or excavate that ice will be primordial for future missions and long-term human presence. Moreover, the study of water ice in the lunar poles is out-gassing during volcanism in the Imbrian period. The results also conclude that the distribution of water ice is likely go- verned by mare volcanism and preferential impact cratering. 
  • Accurate knowledge of the distribution and depth of water ice occurrence in the lunar poles, as presented in the investigation, is crucial for constraining the uncertainties in selecting future landing and sampling sites for missions aimed at exploring and characterizing lunar volatiles. This study is crucial for supporting ISRO's future in-situ volatile exploration plans on the moon. 
  • Suggests that the extent of water ice in the northern polar region is twice that in the southern polar region. 
  • The study confirms the hypothesis that the primary source of subsurface 

3. India must collaborate with Indian Ocean countries for data on warming 

  • India may be roiling in heatwaves but the possibility of a munificent monsoon, as envisaged by the India Meteorological Department, may be contributing to some psychological relief. In the long run, however, there is much to be worried about. 
  • A recent study led by scientists at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, and other international institutions has forecast based on expected global carbon emission trends the likely impact on the Indian Ocean. They report that the Indian Ocean warmed 1.2° C and will likely heat up 1.7° C-3.8° C from 2020 to 2100. While heat waves are a lived experience, the study warns of 'marine heat waves', their counterparts in the sea and linked to the rapid formation of cyclones, as likely to increase tenfold from the current average of 20 days per year to 220-250 days per year. This will push the tropical Indian Ocean into a "near-permanent heatwave state", accelerate coral bleaching and harm the fisheries sector. 
  • The heating of the ocean would not be merely confined to the surface but actually increase the heat content of the ocean. When measured from the surface to 2,000 meters below, the thermal capacity of this ocean is now rising at the rate of 4.5 zetta-joules per decade, and is predicted to increase at a rate of 16-22 zetta-joules per decade in the future. Joule is a unit of energy and 1 zetta joule is a billion-trillion joules (10^21). 
  • The consequences of a warming Indian Ocean extend very much into mainland India with the frequency of severe cyclones rising and the monsoon becoming more erratic and uneven with long spells of drought followed by intense rain and concomitant flooding. 
  • These are linked to global warming with anthropogenic sources such as fossil fuel burning playing a significant role in nudging the planet closer to cataclysmic tipping points. Current global commitments to stem greenhouse gas emissions are unlikely to make a significant dent in the state of the oceans capacity as unlike on land, the seas respond slower to changes in external inputs. Therefore, a realistic way out is to fine-tune the understanding of the Indian Ocean's local impact. 
  • India needs to form a collaborative association with countries bordering the Indian Ocean to invest in data gathering currently this pales in comparison to what is in the Pacific, for instance and projections to guide the development and protection of infrastructure and people. 

4. India to train Bangladeshi’s civil servants for the next 5 years 

  • The government of India has signed an agreement with the government of Bangladesh to renew the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to train 1500 Bangladeshi officers from 2025 to 2030. 
  • The agreement was signed by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), the government of India and the Bangladeshi Ministry of Public Administration, Government of Bangladesh. 
  • An MoU was signed between the National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG), India and the Bangladesh Ministry of Public Administration in 2014 to train the Bangladeshi civil servants. 
  • Since then, they have collaborated in conducting capacity-building programs for Bangladesh Civil Servants. 
  • The MoU has been periodically renewed, and the current MoU will end in 2025. The latest agreement has extended the Mou by five more years to 2030. 

Recently India signed MoUs with others countries 

  • India signs MoU with Bulgaria to enhance collaboration, exchange auditing expertise 
  • India and Nepal agree to promote Sanskrit research and education 
  • India & Singapore sign MoU on Law and Dispute Resolution 
  • India and Bhutan signed MoU in the field of Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Measures 
  • India and Dominican Republic signs protocol for establishment of Joint Economic and Trade Committee 

5. India Reduces Windfall Tax on Petroleum Crude 

  • India has cut its windfall tax on petroleum crude to 8,400 Indian rupees ($100.66) a metric ton from 9,600 rupees with effect from May 1. 
  • The tax, which is revised every fortnight, was left unchanged at zero for diesel and aviation turbine fuel. 
  • The government had on April 16 raised the windfall tax on petroleum crude to 9,600 rupees a metric ton from 6,800 rupees. 
  • This tax is levied as the Special Additional Excise Duty (SAED). 
  • The windfall tax remains unchanged at zero for diesel and aviation turbine fuel (ATF). 
  • The Special Additional Excise Duty (SAED) on the export of diesel, petrol, and jet fuel (ATF) remains at nil.

6. Indian Army and Punit Balan Group develop Constitution Park in Pune 

  • Constitution Park, jointly developed by Indian Army and Punit Balan Group, was inaugurated.
  • The park was inaugurated by GOC-in-C, Southern Command, Lt Gen Ajai Kumar Singh. 
  • It delineates our Fundamental Rights and underscores our Fundamental Duties. It’s crucial for every citizen to understand their rights and fulfill their duties. 

International News 

7. According to IQAir, Kathmandu is the most polluted city in the world 

  • According to IQAir, an organization that measures real-time pollution in 101 cities across the world, Kathmandu has become the most polluted city in the world. Due to air pollution, the average life expectancy of Nepalese has reduced by 4.1 percent. 
  • In terms of pollution, Kathmandu, New Delhi, Chiang Mai in Thailand, Hanoi in Vietnam, Bangkok in Thailand and Dhaka in Bangladesh rank first, second, third, fourth and fifth respectively. 
  • According to the live rating, the most polluted cities are Chiang Mai-Thailand, Delhi and KolkataIndia and Sao Paulo-Brazil. 
  • Apart from this, according to the live rating, the cleanest cities are Istanbul-Turkey, Auckland-New Zealand and Sydney and CanberraAustralia. 
  • The Ministry of Health and Population in Nepal has urged people to wear masks in view of the increase in air pollution in the Kathmandu Valley. The air quality in Kathmandu topped the list of cities with 'unhealthy air' in the world. 
  • Since there is a high probability of heat wave in the Terai region of Nepal during summer, the ministry has requested that people should not go out unnecessarily during the day and drink more water and take liquid food. 
  • Air pollution affects the heart and blood vessels, lungs, brain, eyes, nose, ears and throat and also increases the risk of asthma, cancer and other diseases. Annual deaths due to air pollution in Nepal mostly involve children under five, pregnant women, chronically ill people and the elderly. 

8. Sri Lanka handed over the renovation project of ‘Kankesanthurai Port’ to the Government of India. 

  • The Sri Lankan Cabinet has approved plans to refurbish the Kankesanthurai Port in the northern part of the island. The project will be implemented under Indian financial grant. 
  • Recognizing the importance of the project, India has promised to cover the entire estimated cost of the project. 
  • This decision not only addresses the infrastructural needs of the port but also underlines the strength of bilateral cooperation between Sri Lanka and India. 
  • Earlier this year, the Sri Lanka Cabinet had mentioned that the entire cost of the project was $61.5 million. Located in the northern region of Sri Lanka, the 16-acre Kankesanthurai Port or KKS Port is located 104 km from Karaikal Port in Pondicherry, India. 
  • Last year, ferry services between India and Sri Lanka began with a direct passenger ship service connecting Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu to Kankesanthurai port in Sri Lanka. The ferry covers the distance of 111 km in approximately 3.5 hours. 
  • The original cabinet approval for this project was given on May 2, 2017. Subsequently, the offer of project management consultancy services was approved on December 18, 2019. 
  • Earlier a joint venture between an Indian and a Russian firm won a 30-year contract to manage Sri Lanka's Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, located near Hambantota. 
  • The airport, once described as "the world's emptyest airport", was built in 2013 at a cost of $209 million with financing from the Export-Import Bank of China. 

9. Indian woman sarpanch will represent the country in the program of United Nations Population and Development Commission in New York. 

  • Three women sarpanches from Tripura, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh will represent India at an event under the aegis of the ongoing 57th meeting of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) in New York, United States of America. The CPD meeting started on 30 April and will end on 3 May 2024. 
  • This program will be organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Panchayati Raj and United Nations Fund for Population Activity (UNFPA) India on the last day of the CPD meeting. 
  • These women include Supriya Das Dutta, president of Sipahijala Zilla Parishad in Tripura, Kunuku Hema Kumari, sarpanch of Pekeru Gram Panchayat in Andhra Pradesh and Neeru Yadav, sarpanch of Lambi Ahir Gram Panchayat in Rajasthan. 
  • Supriya Das started special women representation to raise their issues in Gram Sabhas, which were predominantly male-dominated forums, through a special initiative called 'Amader Kotha Shunte Hobe', where women raise their issues in work, projects etc. She used to raise her voice about.
  • Neeru Yadav is famous as the hockey sarpanch in Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan. Neeru Yadav started 'Mera Ped-Mera Dost Campaign' of giving trees as Kanyadaan on marriage, giving pension to old and disabled people at their homes every month and helping girls. Launched a campaign to connect the schools with computer education. 
  • The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has said that the objective of the event is to highlight the role and potential of women elected representatives of Panchayati Raj institutions in accelerating the achievements of gender equality and women empowerment. 
  • UNFPA is the sexual and reproductive health agency of the United Nations. It has been operating in India since 1974.
  • As part of UNFPA India's 50th anniversary celebrations this year, women elected representatives were invited to speak about the role and potential of Panchayat Raj institutions in accelerating gender equality and women's empowerment. 

Defence News 

10. DRDO successfully test SMART missile system for Indian Navy 

  • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has successfully tested the next-generation Supersonic Missile-Assisted Release of Torpedo (SMART) system from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of Odisha. 
  • SMART is a next-generation missile-based light-weight torpedo delivery system designed and developed by DRDO to enhance the anti-submarine warfare capability of the Indian Navy far beyond the conventional range of lightweight torpedoes. 
  • This canister-based missile system incorporates several advanced subsystems, including a two-stage solid propulsion system, electromechanical actuator system, and precision inertial navigation system. 
  • The SMART missile system comprises a long-range supersonic missile carrier that can travel up to 643 km, a lightweight torpedo with a range of 20 km, and a 50 kg high-explosive warhead as the payload. 

11. China launches sea trials for next-generation aircraft carrier

  • China has launched sea trials for the Fujian, its third and most advanced aircraft carrier. 
  • The start of tests by the Chinese navy came nearly two years after the aircraft carrier was first unveiled in June 2022. 
  • The Fujian, entirely designed and built domestically, is larger and more advanced than the Shandong, commissioned in late 2019, and the Liaoning, which China bought second-hand from Ukraine in 1998. 
  • The Fujian, which features a full-length, flat flight deck with an advanced catapult-launch system for jets, takes its name from the Chinese province opposite democratically governed Taiwan. 

About China 

  • Capital – Beijing 
  • Currency – Yuan
  • President – Xi Jinping 

12. Vice-Admiral Krishna Swaminathan is now Vice-Chief of Navy 

  • Vice-Admiral Krishna Swaminathan on Wednesday took charge as Vice-Chief of the Indian Navy. He was earlier serving as the Chief of Personnel. 
  • In the Indian Air Force (IAF), Air Marshal Nagesh Kapoor assumed the post 1 of Air Officer Command- find-in-Chief (AOC-in-C) of 1 the Training Command of the IAF in Bengaluru. 
  • Vice-Admiral Swaminathan was commissioned into the Navy on July 1, 1987 and is a specialist in communication and electronic warfare. On assuming charge, he paid homage at the National War Memorial and later inspected a Guard of Honour on South Block lawns. 
  • He is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla; the Joint Services Command and Staff College, Shrivenham, U.K; the College of Naval Warfare, Karanja; and the United States Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, U.S. 

Vice-Adm Krishna Swaminathan 

  • He has held several key operational, staff and training appointments in his naval career, including the command of missile vessels INS Vidyut and INS Vinash; the missile corvette INS Kulish; the guided missile destroyer INS Mysore and the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, the Navy said. 

Banking and Financial 

13. GST revenue collection hits record high of Rs 2.10 lakh cr in April 

  • India’s Gross Goods and Services Tax (GST) collections hit a record high of Rs 2.10 lakh crore in April, growing 12.4 per cent on year-on-year basis. 
  • GST collection in March stood at Rs 1.78 lakh crore. Previously, the highest-ever GST collection figure stood at Rs 1.87 lakh crore in April 2023. 
  • This is also the first time GST collection has crossed the ₹2 trillion mark, since the unified indirect tax regime was rolled out seven years ago. 
  • Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) collection was ₹43,846 crore in April, while state Goods and Services Tax (SGST) brought ₹53,538 crore. Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) was ₹99,623 crore, including ₹37,826 crore collected on imported goods. 

GST Collection of Previous Months 

  • November 2023 – 1,67,929 crore 
  • December 2023 – 1,64,882 crore 
  • January 2024 – 1,72,129 crore 
  • February 2024 – 1,68,337 crore 
  • March 2024 – 1,78,484 crore 
  • April 2024 – 2,10,267crore 

14. UPI transactions dip marginally in April to Rs 19.64 trn 

  • Unified Payment Interface (UPI) transactions declined in volume and value in April by 1 per cent and 0.7 per cent, compared to March 2024. 
  • Transactions stood at Rs 19.64 trillion in value terms, down from Rs 19.78 trillion in March. There were 3 billion transactions in April, compared to 13.44 billion in March. 
  • Y-o-Y, UPI transactions increased by 50 per cent in terms of volume and 40 per cent in value. In February 2024, transactions stood at 12.10 billion and Rs 18.28 trillion, respectively. 
  • Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) transactions declined by 7 per cent in value and 5 per cent in volume in April compared to March. 
  • In value terms, transactions totaled Rs 5.92 trillion, down from Rs 6.35 trillion in March and Rs 5.68 trillion in February. 
  • In April, FASTag transactions decreased 3 per cent in volume and 6 per cent in value. FASTag transactions declined to Rs 5,592 crore in April from Rs 5,939 crore in March. 
  • In April, the Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS) experienced a decline of 13 per cent in volume and 10 per cent in value, compared to March. AePS transactions amounted to Rs 25,172 crore in April, down from Rs 27,996 crore in March. 

15. NaBFID expects cumulative loan sanctions to top ₹2-lakh cr in FY25 

  • The Government-owned National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) expects its loan sanctions pipeline to swell to about ₹2 lakh crore by March-end 2025 against about ₹1 lakh crore as of March-end 2024. 
  • To support loan growth, the development financial institution (DFI) is planning to mop up about ₹53,000 crore this year via bond market, bank and multilateral credit lines. 
  • The All India Financial Institution was set up in 2022 under the NABFID Act, 2021, as the principal entity for infrastructure financing in the country. 
  • NaBFID sanctioned ₹18,560 crore in the January-March 2023 quarter and ₹83,280 crore in FY24. NaBFID crossed ₹1 lakh crore (cumulative) loan sanctions mark in March 2024. 

About National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) 

  • Established – 2022 
  • Head Office – Mumbai 
  • Chairman – KV Kamath 
  • MD & CEO – Rajkiran Rai G 

16. India global services export to reach $800 billion by 2030: Goldman Sachs 

  • India’s services exports will increase to $800 billion by 2030 from $340 billion in 2023, making the external sector resilient to supply-side shocks and reducing rupee volatility, Goldman Sachs report. 
  • India’s foreign trade policy announced last year targeted $1 trillion of service exports by 2030. 
  • Services exports (as percentage of gross domestic product or GDP) could reach around 11% of GDP by 2030 (versus 9.7% of GDP in 2023) which amounts to around $800 billion (compared to around $340 billion in 2023). 

Ranks & Reports News 

17. Indian edtech startup ‘Emeritus’ gets top position in Time’s global edtech ranking 2024 

  • A new global ranking of the 250 top edtech companies has been released by TIME and Statista. Indian edtech startup Emeritus has topped TIME magazine's ranking of “World's Top Edtech Companies 2024”. Emeritus was founded in 2015 by Ashwin Damera and Chaitanya Kalipatnapu. 
  • After this, Memrais of UK, Afya of Brazil and Knowbox of China have got the place. India's Scalar Academy has been ranked among Time World's top edtech rising stars of 2024. After this, Taiwan's SAT KNOWLEDGE, Vietnam's and USA's Raising Superstars have got the place. 
  • The United States leads the TIME rankings with 91 entries, followed by China with 25 companies and the United Kingdom with 16 firms. 


  • The company had recently announced the transfer of its headquarters from Singapore to India for its stock market listing. Emeritus's success story was recently featured as a case study by the prestigious Harvard Business School. 
  • Emeritus offers courses from prestigious global universities such as the University of Cambridge, Harvard Business School, and MIT Sloan, among others. 

Other Indian institutions 

  • 14 more Indian edtech firms are included in this list. At 26th place is Miko, which develops AI-powered robots for children. Competitive exam preparation app Unacademy is ranked at 54th position. 
  • US-headquartered UpGrad, founded in India, secured the 69th position, while Univariety, which offers technology-enabled solutions for educational institutions, secured the 82nd position. Indian edtech companies include iNurture Education Solutions (83rd rank) and Yulo (90th rank). 

Appointment News

19. Hitesh Sethia appointed as MD & CEO of Jio Financial Services 

  • Corporate Affairs Ministry (MCA) has given its nod for appointment of Hitesh Kumar Sethia as Managing Director and CEO of Jio Financial Services for three years period. 
  • The appointment effective from November 15, 2023, is valid for three years, Jio Financial Services said in a regulatory filing. 

Recent Appointment in Banking & Insurance Sector 

  • MD & CEO Axis Bank – Amitabh Chaudhry (reappointment for 3 years) 
  • Independent Directors of Axis bank – Meena Ganesh and Gopalaraman Padmanabhan (reappointment for 4 years) 
  • Deputy Governor of RBI – T Rabi Sankar (reappointment for One Year) 
  • Chairman of HDFC Insurance Board -Keki Mistry 
  • MD & CEO of Dhanlaxmi Bank – Ajith Kumar K.K 
  • CEO of BharatPe – Nalin Negi 

20. Pratima Singh appointed as Director in DPIIT

  •  Pratima Singh (IRS) has been selected for the appointment as Director of the Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT). 
  • She has been selected for the appointment under the Central Staffing Scheme for a period of five years. 
  • Singh is an Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer of 2009-batch. She was recommended for the Central deputation by the Department of Revenue. 

Recent Appointment 

  • President of Indian Vaccine Manufacturers Association (IVMA) – Krishna Ella 
  • Presiding Officer of the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) – Retired Justice Dinesh Kumar 
  • Director in Department of Land Resources – Sarvadanand Barnwal 
  • CVO of Jawahar Lal Nehru Port Authority – Manoj Kumar 
  • Director of MoHUA – Sunil Kumar Yadav 

Science & Technology News 

21. China to launch Chang’e-6 Lunar probe mission 

  • China is set to launch the Chang’e-6 lunar probe on a round trip to the Moon. 
  • It aims to gather soil and rock samples from the far side of the Moon, a region that has remained permanently hidden from Earth’s view. 
  • This will be the first-ever attempt to retrieve lunar samples from the far side, providing valuable insights into the early evolution of the Moon and the inner solar system. 
  • This mission will also involve the first-ever ascent from the Moon’s far side during its return journey to Earth.
  • This mission is the first of three challenging endeavours that China intends to undertake, leading to a historic Chinese crewed lunar landing and the establishment of a base on the Moon’s south pole. 

22. IIA releases video of the moon occulting brightest star Antares 

  • Bengaluru-based Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) has filmed the passing of the moon in front of Antares, a bright red star. 
  • The moon passed in front of Antares on April 27, hiding it for roughly 40 minutes. IIA said this event was visible only from southern India. IIA filmed the event from its Bengaluru campus using a camera on an eight-inch telescope. 
  • While moving in its orbit roughly once a month, the moon will occasionally occult, or hide, bright stars that are behind, and sometimes, even planets. This happens now and then for the star Antares (Jyeshtha), which is the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius. Since the moon is relatively close to the Earth, such occultations will be visible only from some locations on the globe. 
  • The last such occultation of Antares, which was visible from India, was on February 5 this year. 
  • The next one will be in June 2027. As seen from Bengaluru, Antares disappeared behind the bright side of the gibbous moon around 1.13 a.m. and reap- peared at the darker side around 1.53 a.m. 

Sports News 

23. The first 'National Women's Hockey League 2024' started in Ranchi, Jharkhand. 

  • The much-awaited National Women's Hockey League 2024-25 has started on 30th April 2024 at Jaipal Singh Astroturf Hockey Stadium, Marang Gomke, Ranchi, Jharkhand. Sports Authority of India (SAI) Director General Sandeep Pradhan attended the inauguration ceremony. 
  • The league will be held in two phases, with the inaugural phase taking place from 30 April to 9 May 2024 in Ranchi, Jharkhand. All the matches of the first phase of the tournament will be held at Jaipal Singh Astroturf Hockey Stadium, Marang Gomke. 
  • With the intention of providing an unprecedented platform for budding athletes and raising the stature of women's hockey in the country, the National Women's Hockey League 2024 - 2025 brings together the top eight teams of the 14th Hockey India Senior Women's National Championship 2024. 
  • Major teams are – Haryana, Maharashtra, Jharkhand (host), Madhya Pradesh, Bengal, Mizoram, Odisha and Manipur. 
  • The first day saw thrilling games as Hockey Association of Odisha dominated Hockey Haryana 4-1 while Hockey Maharashtra comfortably defeated Manipur Hockey 5-1. 
  • The typical domestic competition will feature a single pool consisting of all eight teams, adopting an attractive round-robin format where each team will compete against the others. Teams will get three points for a win, one point for a draw, and no points for a loss. 
  • Hockey India President Dr. Dilip Tirkey commented, "The National Women's Hockey League is an important step forward for women's hockey in India." 

24. Kenyan runners Peter and Lilian won the 16th TCS World 10K Bengaluru Marathon in men's and women's categories respectively 

  • Kenyan runners Peter Mwaniki (28:15) and Lilian Kasait (30:56) emerged victorious in the international elite men's and women's categories respectively at the 16th edition of the Tata Consultancy Services World 10K in Bengaluru. 
  • Mwaniki finished ahead of her compatriot Hillary Chepkwoni (28:33). Whereas Lilian defeated 7.1 Immaculate Achol (31:17). Mwaniki and Lilian could not break the event records (men: 27:38, women: 30:35). 
  • It was a memorable day for Kiran Matre, who broke the event record for Indian men's elite athletes. Matre's 29:32 bettered the previous record of 29:49 set by Suresh Kumar in 2015. 
  • Sanjeevani (34:03) continued her excellent performance in this event. This is the third consecutive time that Sanjivani (34:03) has topped the Indian women's elite field. 
  • Mwaniki and Kasaite each won $26,000. Matre and Sanjeevani each earned ₹2,75,000. Matre also won a bonus of ₹1,00,000 for breaking the event record. 

Major winners 

  • Men: 1. Peter Mwaniki (Can) 28:15, 2. Hillary Chepkwoni (Can) 28:33, 3. Hagos Ayyob (Eth) 28:39. 
  • Best Indian men: 1. Kiran Matre 29:32, 2. Ranjit Patel 29:35, 3. Dharmendra 29:45. 
  • Women: 1. Lillian Cassatt (Kane) 30:56; 2. Bedag Achol (Ken) 31:17; 3. Lemlem Hailu (Eth) 31:23. 
  • Best Indian women: 1. Sanjivani Jadhav 34:03; 2. Lily Das 34:13, 3. Preenu Yadav, 34:24. 

25. Mahendra Singh Dhoni became the first player in the history of IPL to win 150 matches. 

  • MS Dhoni's 150th IPL win lifted Chennai Super Kings to third place, reflecting his leadership and tactical acumen. Former CSK captain Dhoni became the first player to register 150th IPL win. 
  • Chennai Super Kings talisman MS Dhoni has achieved another feat by defeating Sunrisers Hyderabad by 78 runs in Chepauk, Chennai. After Dhoni, the record for most matches won by a player in IPL is Ravindra Jadeja and Rohit Sharma with 133 matches. 
  • Dhoni has the second highest batting strike rate of 259.46 and he is yet to be out in this edition after scoring 96 runs in 9 matches and 7 innings. Overall, Dhoni has played 259 IPL matches and scored 5178 runs at a strike rate of 137.13, which included 24 half-centuries. 
  • Dhoni has been associated with CSK since the inception of the IPL in 2008 and has played a key role in the team's success over the years. As a captain, Dhoni led CSK to five IPL titles, making the team one of the most successful franchises in the tournament. 
  • MS Dhoni already holds the record for the most successful captain in the IPL with 133 wins. Rohit Sharma is at second place with 87 wins.

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